Monday, September 27, 2010

Getting Settled

As we slowly but surely make our way through mountains of boxes, the kids have found a new hobby -- making forts! Their forts get so big, they each have their own room inside, with their own "TV" -- (yep, in the form of an empty box!) And here are some shots of the new house -- before the boxes took over. We can't wait for you all to come visit!


  1. LOL! Love your kiddos imaginations! Still green with envy over your new kitchen! How do the boys like their bathroom? All the pictures of the house you showed me were beautiful - can't wait to come check out your new digs! Miss you guys!

  2. Your home is beautiful. I love seeing these pictures of it.

    Love your Utah pictures too. What a fun visit. Your Seth is looking so grown up.
