Monday, September 13, 2010

Leaving Alabama

We had some sad kids this day...
Can't you tell? This was their last day at Heritage, and they really were sad to leave, honest.
How can I sum up our life in Alabama for a blog? I can't. There were so many happy memories made, and some sad too. And I mostly will remember friends and family who stood by us through thick and thin. Thank you, thank you -- we love you all and already miss you!

Goodbye, apartment!


  1. I bet the hardest thing to say good-bye to was the apartment. :) We miss you too. I can't wait for your new home pictures!

  2. We miss y'all too! So when are you coming to visit? :) Can't wait to see pics of your new place and hear more of what goes on there.

  3. *sniff* this is making me miss ya'll so much!

  4. Yea! I love that you have a blog! We miss you already! Glad that you are doing well. xoxo
