Saturday, October 9, 2010


You know you're in Arizona when...
1. We're driving past an empty, undeveloped plot of land, and Seth looks out and says, "Beautiful dirt!" (that's about it around here -- and the boys love it!) Here's Seth sporting his newest haircut!
Like I said, plenty of dirt!
2. Instead of cute little squirrels or bunnies running around outside, we've seen lizards, roadrunners, and jackrabbits.
3. The people around here say "you guys". I haven't heard a "y'all" once around here! Except from Bobby, of course.
4. We reached a record high of 111 degrees in September! (But it's a dry heat...)
5. You can just hop in the car and drive to Utah for fall break! We're on our way...


  1. I am laughing so hard about the youz guys. It is so true! Have a great time in Utah. I bet it might be a little green there. The ironic thing is the dirt in the West is brown not red like here. Was that adjustment for them? (hehe)

  2. Just got your Christmas letter. Thanks for being persistent! Well, we only missed you in AZ by about a year. Don't know if I'll ever get to cross paths with you again. It's definitely fun being near family and letting the kids get to know all their cousins. I do miss things about living elsewhere, but it's all a big adventure. Glad to hear from you and your darling family. My blog is Love Ya, Stace---tell Bobby hello!
