Monday, March 28, 2011

Haircuts and Imaginations

OK, so maybe it's getting time for a haicut, Seth. You know it's long when his sister can put 5 ponytails in it. They called him "alien" for the rest of the day! Don't worry, he loved playing the part. Definitely time for a haircut.

Much better!

On a different note...

So the other day we were having a picnic at the park. Seth turns to me and says, "Mommy, you da pwincess." Mommy: "Oh, and you must be my handsome prince!"

Seth: "No, I not use my magi-ashun."

Mommy: "Oh, OK. We don't have to use our imaginations."


Mommy: "So, what are we then?"

Seth: "Trains."

I love this boy so much!


  1. Cute! I like the haircut. It's amazing how just that one thing totally changes how boyish he looks. Great kid! (Give him a hug for me)

  2. I am laughing so hard at his pony tails. It's just too hard to cut those curls. Good thing they seem to always come back.

  3. Stacey, when did you start a blog! How fun to find you :) Looks like life it going well, it will be fun to keep up!

  4. Awww, he looks so grown up with his new hair cut!
