Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Tyler

My birthday boy, sporting his birthday crown. He got it at school and proudly wore it all day.
He loved his Mario cake! This boy loves video games maybe a little too much.Oh, I love this boy! His smile is contagious and he loves to make people laugh. His boundless energy definitely keeps us on our toes, but I don't know what I'd do without him. We love him so much. Happy #7, little buddy.


  1. Happy birthday Ty! You are getting SO big - what happened to my little buddy? I love your cake - it looks super yummy! I hope you had a great day!

  2. It's birthday season at the GILES! Happy Birthday to all. And now you can stop growing. Seriously everyone is growing up so fast!

  3. I have some boys that love video games a little too much, but it sure is nice to keep them occupied once in a while. :) Happy Birthday, Tyler! Can he really be 7!?!

  4. Hi Stacey. Just caught up on your blog. Love seeing your latest happenings... Basketball, another broken arm (oh no!) and cute birthday kids. Happy Belated to Tyler and Lindsey.
