Friday, May 20, 2011

Camping, Arizona style

OK, so camping in Arizona looks a little different than what we've been used to among the green trees of the south. Honestly, when we first got there I was not very excited. All the brown dirt and twiggy desert trees and cacti were not exactly impressing me.

But I was a good sport and went along with it. We set up camp, explored a little, and noticed that we had mountains on every single side of us. The weather was perfect -- just barely cool enough to enjoy a fire, but not too cold.

I started taking pictures, and then the sun started to set. And I finally noticed how beautiful this place really was.

One thing I love about Arizona -- it has some of the most beautiful sunsets!

This was probably one of our funnest camping trips yet. The kids were good, the smore's were excellent as usual, and we all had a great time.

I love happy kids! Lots of smiles on this trip.

After we were all dirty and smelling like campfires, we stopped on the way home at this fun splash pad. We figured it was a good way to hose them off! They loved it.


  1. I love seeing brown dirt. I am thinking the splash pad is brilliant. It's fun to see your smile, Stacey! We miss you.
