Thursday, January 20, 2011

Proud of 'em

So in the past four months since we've been at this school, we've been to 5 awards ceremonies for the kids! So glad they're having great successes in school. Each one was nominated for a special Principal's award -- only 2 from each class per month. The reward was a breakfast with the principle. The kids loved going 3 months in a row! Benjamin also made the honor roll twice. Way to go, kiddos!


  1. You're home schooling, right? *wink, wink*

    Just kidding!

    That's so cool that they're doing so well. Give 'em a hug for me!


  2. That is awesome! Way to go kiddos! Tyler is looking like such a little man. They are growing up way too fast. :)

  3. That is so cool. I am glad to see they are having fun out there.

  4. Way to go! I'm so proud of my niece and nephews! (and their parents!) We love you.
