Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We Finally Figured It Out...

Ahh, pinewood derby. You gotta love it.
Every year, dad and Benjamin get started and somehow the project eventually lands on mom's lap. So this year mom figured she might as well help from the very beginning. And look what we did!
His car turned out AWESOME! Best of all, we had a great time spending lots of time working together. Each year we've done a little better, and this was by far the best -- and funnest experience.
It didn't hurt that he did well, too! Way to go, Benjamin!


  1. That is AWESOME! Way to go MOM and Benjamin! :) I am quite impressed.

  2. Whoah! That's a pretty sweet car! None of mine ever looked that cool!!!

  3. Woo HOO!!! Girl, I didn't know you had such mad hot rod skills! Way to go, Benjamin!!

    Did you get my text earlier today???

  4. You go girl! That is one cool looking car. Congrats Benjamin.

  5. Congrats Ben! Sorry I couldn't be there to cheer you on this year! I miss you bunches (and the rest of the family too!)

  6. Thanks for all the support- Benjamin

  7. Sweet Action!!! Can I get some tips before CJ does pinewood derby?
